Gedenkstein für die Juden
Enthüllung am Samstag in Drove – Eine Muschelkalk-Säule
Dürener Zeitung, 20. September 1962
Unter dem Davidstern
Gedenkstein für die jüdischen Opfer des Nationalsozialismus
Dürener Nachrichten, 20. September 1962
Termin verlegt
Jüdische Kultusgemeinde bat darum
Dürener Nachrichten, 21. September 1962
Table of European Jews who were to be exterminated
(Wannsee Conference on the „Final Solution“, Jan. 20, 1942)
A. Original Reich Territory (Altreich) 131,800
Extermination of the Jewish Population of Europe
Estimates of the Anglo-American Committee of Enquiry
Germany (1937 frontiers) 195,000
Number of Localities „purged“ of their Jewish Residents by the Nazis
Germany 3,383
The principal source of information regarding the Jewish population of Germany before the rise of the Nazis to power, is the Führer durch die juedische Gemeindeverwaltung und Wohlfahrtspflege in Deutschland 1932 - 33, (herausgegeben von der Zentralwohlfahrtsstelle der deutschen Juden, Berlin).
The figures refer to members registered with the organized communities, and their families. Where no figures are given, the „Guide“ refers to individuals or to one or two families attached to organized communities in the region. […]
The development of the Jewish population in the German Reich according to the frontiers of 1937 (i.e. comprising the Saar region) shows the following picture:
*including the Jews of the Saar Region, according to the 1935 census.
Upwards of 170,000 Jews were overtaken by the Holocaust, while still within the frontiers of the old Reich. To this figure one should add all the German Jews trapped in the countries of occupation, to which many had emigrated as from the year 1933. No data are available for an exact estimate of these victims. The number of survivors of the Holocaust in Germany is estimated at 19,000, including about 13,000 who were permitted to remain in Germany, owing to the fact that they were protected from extermination by mixed marriage.
Blackbook of Localities whose Jewish Population was exterminated by the Nazis, Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, 1965